Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Regulation of Gene Expression in Bacteriophage (lambda)

>Virus infecting E.coli
>Temperate phage
>50kb ds linear genome in phage
>circular in host
>cos (cohesive ends) site overhangs of 12 bases at 5' ends
>Ligated using DNA ligase and gyrase
>Upon infection, phage can undergo lysis or lysogeny
>Health of host cell determines fate of lambda

Lambda Life Cycle

>If cell is healthy, sufficient energy is available for production of progeny phage and lambda phage will go lytic
>3 phases - immediate early, delayed early and late lysis
>production of new phage particles
>replication of lambda phage genome
>production of viral coat proteins
>assembly of progeny phage
>lysis of host cell

>If cell is unhealthy, lambda will go lysogenic
>3 phases - immediate early, delayed early and late lysogeny
>viral genome integrates into host chromosome passively
>excision of genome from host chromosome by induction when under stress
>phage DNA - prophage
>cell harboring - lysogen
>no progeny produced
>not disadvantageous for host
>Immunity to superinfection (from same phage)

Map of lambda phage

>50 genes coat proteins
>proteins in DNA replication, recombination and lysis

Regulatory Proteins

>Genes clustered into operons
>3 promoters (PR, PL & PRM)
-PR, PL (rightward & leftward)
Strong, constitutive promoters
-Do not need activator proteins
-PRM (Promoter for repressor maintenance)
Weak – directs transcription when activator binds upstream
 2 genes (cI and cro)

>cI - lambda repressor
repress transcription – binds sites that overlap promoter & excludes RNAP
Activate transcription – similar to CAP in activating lac operon; N terminal domain
>Cro (control for repressor and other things)
activate transcription
>Cro and pcI can bind operator sites OR and OL
>operator sites composed of 3 specific operator regions: OR1,, OR2 (overlaps PR, PL), OR3 (overlaps PRM)

Cooperative Binding of cI


>2 subunits forming “dumbbell" with DNA binding end and repressor binding end
>forms a dimer to bind DNA
>C terminal provides dimerization contacts and mediates interactions between dimers (tetramerization) – cooperative binding of repressor
>binding affinity: OR1 >>> OR2 = OR3
-binding to OR1 and OR2 is cooperative
-Without cooperativity, 10-fold higher conc of cI needed to bind OR2

Binds operator in opposite affinity but not cooperatively

cI and cro bind in different patterns

>low [pcI], binds to both OR1 /OL1 (represses PR /PL) and OR2 /OL2 (activates PRM lambda cI expression)
positive autoregulator
>high [pcI], pcI also binds to OR3 /OL3 - represses transcription of PRM
negative autoregulator

>Cro binds OR3 overlaps PRM represses cI transcription
>RNAP binds PR – transcription of lytic genes

1 comment:

  1. Great post. Thanks for sharing.T4 DNA Ligase catalyzes the formation of a phosphodiester bond between the terminal 5′ phosphate and a 3′ hydroxyl groups of duplex DNA or RNA.
